Unopposed Passing Drill

Unopposed Lofted And Driven Passing

Players have an opportunity to practice their lofted and driven passing techniques in this simple activation activity that children always enjoy!

Unnopposed Passing Drill

Set Up The Drill

Set up an 8×20 yard grid using small cones. There will be 3 players per grid in this activity so repeat the setup to accommodate as many players as you have. You also need enough balls for one per grid and a supply of extra ones available if possible to facilitate quick restarts.


Split the players up into groups of 3 and put them in a grid each. Two players should stand on one side of the grid with a ball and the third player should stand on the other side of the grid without a ball. Players should pass all the way across the grid and then follow their pass before joining the back of the opposite line.

Have the players execute driven passes for 3 minutes followed by lofted passes 3 minutes before moving on to the below progression.


One player now stands in the middle of the grid. The two players on the outside of the grid try to score points against the central player by either (a) lofting the ball over the head of the central player to the other side or (b) driving a ball past the central player to the other side.

The ball still needs to stay within the width of the grid and be successfully received by the non-passing player for the point to count. Switch out the central player every two minutes. Whoever concedes the least points wins!

Coaching Points

Focus on the ABC of passing for lofted and driven passes.

Driven Pass;

  • Approach the ball at an angle, use a ‘set up’ touch with the outside of kicking foot to set the pass up.
  • Balance; Standing foot should be next to the ball (approximately a ball’s width away). Balance should be forward and over the ball and player should push their body weight through the ball as they strike.
  • Contact; Players toes should be pointing towards the ground & they should use their laces to strike the center of the ball, following through towards the receiver.

Lofted Pass;

  • Approach the ball at an angle, use a ‘set up’ touch with the outside of kicking foot to set the pass up.
  • Balance; Standing foot should be next to the ball (approximately a ball’s width away) & the player should lean back as they strike.
  • Contact; Strike underneath the balls vertical midline with the laces following through towards the receiver.


To encourage players to use both types of passes, set a stipulation that you must alternate between lofted and driven passes every time you score a point.